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Conference papers series (older)

The Centre for European Studies has organised various conferences throughout the years. On this page, you will find a list of reports from some of these conferences. "In search for transcultural memory in Europe." Törnquist-Plewa, Barbara, Bernsand, Niklas & La Rosa, Marco (eds.). From CFE:s COST-finansed ISTME-network in Memory Studies, 2012-2016.  Conference papers no. 8 (PDF 3.52 MB, new tab) - 2025-02-21

Research application grants

The Centre for European Studies supports new research by regularly providing seed money for university employees who are writing research proposals. The grant may be used for various types of research applications, including applications for Horizon Europe. The research topic must deal with Europe, European conditions, and/or questions of clear European relevance. It may not deal with phenomena th - 2025-02-21

Grants for seminars

The Centre for European Studies regularly grants funding for Europe-oriented seminars, symposia and lectures at the University. The funds can be used for inviting guest speakers or lecturers to seminars, lectures, symposia and similar events. The theme must deal with Europe, European conditions, and/or questions of clear European relevance. It may not deal with phenomena that will be studied or di - 2025-02-21


Epidemiology for Health How do genes interact with the environment for risk of disease? What links dietary intake, gut microbiota and organ function? How does early life factors influence adult health? Why do patients with the same disease have different prognosis? How could health economy and social epidemiology inform clinical decision making? Previous Next Play Pause Media Current Events Calend - 2025-02-21


Coordinator Sölve Elmståhl  Professor of Geriatrics, LU, and responsible for the EpiHealth screening Cohort Telephone +46 40 39 13 20Solve [dot] Elmstahl [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se  Sölve Elmståhl Sölve Elmståhl is a Professor of Geriatric Medicine and leader of the research group at the Division of Geriatric Medicine. Main focus is research on epidemiological perspectives on ageing and functionin - 2025-02-21


The EpiHealth cohort - an open research resourceThe EpiHealth cohort comprises a total of 25,104 individuals from Uppsala and Malmö in the age groups 45-75 years and was collected during 2010-2016. Data include lung function (spirometry), inch ECG, blood pressure, body composition, cognitive test (Trial-Making-Test), fasting blood glucose and blood fats. A questionnaire that includes sociodemograp - 2025-02-21

For participants

Upcoming Research Projects in progressIn order for you to be able to follow what happens to samples and data collected in EpiHealth, research projects that have been granted withdrawals from the EpiHealth biobank and database will be announced on one month before withdrawals take place. - 2025-02-21


Excellence Of Diabetes Research in SwedenGott Åldrande i Skåne (GÅS) Cohort StudyInstitutet för Hälso- och Sjukvårdsekonomi (IHE) LifeGeneLund University Population Research PlatformLUPOPMalmö Kost Cancer, MKC och Malmö Förebyggande Medicin, MFM Malmö Offspring Study (MOS)Metalund - Centrum för medicin och teknologi för arbetsliv och samhälle MONICA-studien Svensk Nationell Datatjänts (S - 2025-02-21


What is the EpiHealth network?This network consists of researchers and other staff associated with epidemiological research at Lund and Uppsala universities. Participation in the network is voluntary and this requires an active application. Since epidemiological research is very broad and also includes people who work with biostatistics, PhD students, research students, etc., we welcome members fr - 2025-02-21


Abstract book "Obesity as an individual and societal challenge - new directionsMalmö, 20-21 May 2021Obesity as an individual and societal challenge - new directionsBerzelius symposium 104. The symposium was organized by the Swedish Society of Medicine (SLS) in collaboration with the strategic research area Epidemiology for Health (SRA EpiHealth) at Lund and Uppsala universities, Region Skåne and t - 2025-02-21


Your participationYour participation in EpiHealth takes place through a random selection from the population register. Information about EpiHealth can be found here on the website and here you can also download our information brochure. By carefully reading the information about us, you can decide whether you want to participate. Participation in EpiHealth is completely voluntary and can be termin - 2025-02-21

EpiHealth database and biobank

EpiHealth database and biobankThe purpose of EpiHealth is to build up a research resource that enables research to identify the causes of our most common public diseases that occur in middle-aged and elderly people. Many of these diseases are inherited to some extent and therefore we need not only to study the environmental impact and lifestyle factors but also genes to understand why these diseas - 2025-02-21

About us

Epidemiology for health - a joint initiative between Lund and Uppsala universities for national and international excellence Sweden has a long history of population-based data collection, based on social security numbers, and this forms a basis for researchers at Lund University  (LU) and Uppsala University (UU) to work together for the strategic research area (SRA) "Epidemiology for Health", or a - 2025-02-21

Questions and answers

What kind of diseases are studied?We study the most common common diseases that occur in middle-aged and elderly people such as cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cancer, dementia, depression, lung disease, diabetes, obesity, joint and skeletal pain. We also study disabilities and quality of life, something that often changes as you get older.Who has been selected to participate in EpiHealth?Th - 2025-02-21

Stored data

Collected dataYour answers to the survey questionsResults from the physical measurements at the test centerBlood fats and blood glucoseWe also save your contact informationCooperation with registers and medical recordsWhen the collection has been going on for some time and we have data on a sufficient number of people, we plan to coordinate data from public registers and quality registers in Swede - 2025-02-21

Previous research projects

Research project in EpiHealthMilk and sour milk effects on inflammation and oxidative stress, proteins, metabolites and intestinal flora. Responsible researcher: Erika Olsson, erika [dot] olsson [at] surgsci [dot] uu [dot] se, Uppsala UniversityContrary to the general perception that milk gives strong bones, we were recently able to show that women who drink a lot of milk have a higher risk of fra - 2025-02-21

For researchers

The EpiHealth cohort - an open research resource The EpiHealth cohort comprises a total of 25,104 individuals from Uppsala and Malmö in the age groups 45-75 years and was collected during 2010-2016. Data include lung function (spirometry), inch ECG, blood pressure, body composition, cognitive test (Trial-Making-Test), fasting blood glucose and blood fats. A questionnaire that includes sociodemogra - 2025-02-21


Publications Risk Factors For Coronary Artery DiseaseEpiHealth: a large population-based cohort study for investigation of gene-lifestyle interactions in the pathogenesis of common diseasesSleep duration is associated with healthy diet scores and meal patterns: results from the population-based EpiHealth studyBoth Weight at Age 20 and Weight Gain Have an Impact on Sleep Disturbances Later in Life: - 2025-02-21

EpiHealth Jubilee

10 year anniversaryAbstract book from Developments in epidemiology and biomarker research: A life-course perspective. Malmö 21-22/3, 2019.Developments in epidemiology and biomarker research: A life-course perspective5 year anniversaryProgram and presentations from the conference A summary of EpiHealth over five years 2010-2014. Malmö 12-13/11.Program: EpiHealth's annual meeting and evaluation of i - 2025-02-21

Upcoming and current research projects

Researchers have requested extracts from EpiHealth's database for the following upcoming and current research projects below. Upcoming Research ProjectsResearchers have requested data extraction for the following projects from EpiHealth's database. If you do not want your information to be included in this project, contact Professor Sölve Elmståhl or Professor Lars Lind lars [dot] lind [at] medsci - 2025-02-21